Middlebury Alums

a collective blog for keeping in touch. If you'd like to author, contact Josh or Miranda, or comment on a post! Thanks

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Play it again, Samuel

I wish this flippin' blog would let me comment one day. It seems to work fine for everyone else, and I can't for the life of me figure out what setting I might have that disables my ever-so-agile-and-complementary fingers from leaving sweet notes on your posts.

While the skies are still foggy or a blank white, the temperature has already begun to rise, and, as I walked along Dolores Park toward my car today, the grass was covered with the summery usuals; tennis players, dogs and their walkers/masters, potheads, bikers, kids, people of all variety just chillin' out, maxin'. Well, all variety besides gainfully employed, obviously.


As one of the aforementioned boring and busy people, I was stuck indoors for most of the day. I was also kind of sick, so I was wearing that huge cosby sweater that had belonged to Josh once, but which he didn't give to me-- I found it on the table in the 5th floor hepburn lounge junior year. i think he abandoned it when he went abroad because the next year when he was back, he said, "oh, I must have given you that."

Speaking of Josh, happy birthday, Josh. For the past four years we've have some kind of joint party, and this is the first year it hasn't happened. Emily and Cassie and Rachel did throw me the best AZN New Year's Eve party, though, and everyone was "hyphy" off the punch.

Anyway, as most of you know, I'm currently working at my place of business, let's call it "937" through Americorps. However, DRUMROLL, good news! I've been hired on! So, starting in August, I'll be a true, good for somethin', legit staff member. I don't know any of the deets yet. I don't know if my title will change, how much I might earn, whether I'll be up to exactly the same job as this year. But, I'm happy. Work can be pretty stressful, but the people are awesome, funny, and they've grown to be my friends, too. Not to mention that I feel like I am actually doing something good for the world everyday. Also, there are cool benefits. For example, the other day I brought some students to the Giants baseball stadium, PacBell Park, and we interviewed the entire Giants baseball team including Tim Lincecum.

Right now, I'm trudging along. come visit me; Summer is creepin' up on San Francisco, and it's gonna be excellent.


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