Middlebury Alums

a collective blog for keeping in touch. If you'd like to author, contact Josh or Miranda, or comment on a post! Thanks

Friday, January 22, 2010

Who'll stop the rain?

Yes, it's true, CCR is from the Bay Area. Suck on that, people who were actually born on a bayou.

I've been thinking about the new decade a lot recently. I've been thinking about what I'll be doing next year, what this issue of Bay-farer will be like (largest class ever with 28 kids), and what music I'll be listening to by the time 2020 rolls around (if it does... 2012 anyone?). I've been telling people some pretty silly stuff, but to be honest, I don't know where I'll end up. I told Chinloy's mom that I want to become a sailor. She seemed shocked. I don't think I could ever really become a sailor, but it's still fun to say that. I'm thinking about writing, going to law school, getting an MFA, going into editing or production, something like that.

Meanwhile, life is good.Well, I have bronchitis, but that should be over soon. Something else I hope will be over soon: this storm that's causing tornado warnings and landslides in Pacifica. It's been cold and raining like crazy, even a little hail, all week, and it's not doing anything for my health. There is a leak in my bedroom window, there are leaks in the pirate store. My car's roof has a leak. The other day, I backed out of the driveway and suddenly, water poured onto my head-- the sunroof is faulty, it doesn't quite close, so water had been gathering inside it. I park on a slant (hood endof my car up) and when I backed up onto the hill (trunk end up) all the water slid from the back to the front. I was soaked, and had to go back inside and change. It was sort of funny, but also really uncomfortable.

I went to visit Claire in Seattle last weekend, and it was very fun. I miss hanging out with my buddies from college, but college not as much. We ate and drank coffee and hugged poodles. It was great.

I am also loving working on the Young Authors' Book Project at work. This year's theme is the American Dream, and I've already heard some amazing ideas from the students we're working with. The book is going to be excellent, I just know it.

Is anyone thinking of going to Coachella? I might, and I hope the tickets don't sell out or anything.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, me and some of my aussie buddies from work were thinking about going to coachella (and vegas, i guess) after the season's over. that would make it so much cooler if you were there! Of course you know what I think about you and coolness...
    keep me posted and vice versa...

